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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here we go!!

  Well I suppose I should start this whole blog adventure (and believe me its gonna be an adventure) off by introducing myself.
Me and my mini me Miss Abigail Ruth

 I'm Amy, a 39 year old mama of a 4 year old beautiful little girl. I currently live in Southern Middle Tennessee but was born and raised in Wellborn Florida. I love to cook. Love to make stuff. What kind of stuff you ask? EVERYSTUFF!! I have a huge problem with getting sidetracked and taking months to finish seemingly simple projects. I am easily distracted by shiny things. I am the worlds worst at motivating myself to get stuff done. Maybe that's why I want to blog, to have something that holds me accountable.. Or it could be I am distracting myself from that giant pile of laundry i seriously need to fold.. Whatever..

 Anyways people keep telling me I need to share my stuff so here we go. This isn't the typical blog, its gonna go all over the place like my brain does regularly. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do or say at any given minute. Consider yourself warned!!

  Anyways it's myself, my fiance Randy (I know, I know, bless his heart right?) Our daughter Abigail who runs the show, our lil dog Tink who is a Pug and Whiskers the cat who is crazy as a betsy bug. So I can't wait to share some of my life and ideas with you! 

 Have a blessed day!

                         Smile at someone random today! 

 Peace Out, Amy